What is a Refrigerator Compressor?

A refrigerator compressor is the heart of the refrigeration cycle, a critical component that compresses refrigerant and circulates it through the refrigerator's coils to cool the interior.

Ensuring your food stays fresh and beverages remain cold, the refrigerator in your kitchen performs its magic quietly and efficiently, thanks in large part to the compressor. This vital component works tirelessly behind the scenes, pumping refrigerant through the system to maintain the desired temperature. Understanding the role of the refrigerator compressor, how to recognize when it's not working properly, and the importance of maintenance can help homeowners keep their refrigerators running smoothly for years to come.


  • The compressor is key to the refrigerator's ability to cool and preserve food.
  • Recognizing signs of compressor failure can help prevent food spoilage and costly repairs.
  • Regular maintenance extends the life of the compressor and the refrigerator.

Understanding the Function of the Refrigerator Compressor

The compressor is the heart of your refrigerator's cooling system, initiating the refrigeration cycle. This vital component manages the flow and pressure of the refrigerant, which is essential for the appliance's cooling efficacy. Understanding how the compressor operates not only helps in troubleshooting potential issues but also in maintaining the efficiency of your refrigerator.

Compression and Circulation

The compressor's primary function is to compress and circulate the refrigerant throughout the refrigerator. Here's how this process contributes to the refrigerator's overall functionality:

  • Compression of Refrigerant: Initially, the compressor converts the low-pressure refrigerant gas into a high-pressure gas. This is a crucial step that prepares the refrigerant for heat expulsion.
  • Heat Release and Cooling: As the high-pressure gas travels through the condenser coils located on the back or bottom of the unit, it dissipates heat to the surroundings. This cooling of the refrigerant is what ultimately lowers the temperature inside the refrigerator.
  • Continuous Circulation: After losing heat, the refrigerant transforms back into a cooler liquid or gas mixture, continuing its journey to absorb more heat from the refrigerator's interior, maintaining a consistent cooling cycle.

Temperature Regulation

The ability of the compressor to adjust its operation based on the internal temperature of the refrigerator is fundamental to maintaining consistent cooling and energy efficiency:

  • Thermostat Monitoring: The compressor receives signals from the thermostat, which constantly monitors the internal temperature. This feedback allows the compressor to adjust its activity accordingly.
  • Energy Efficiency: By modulating its output, the compressor avoids unnecessary running, thus conserving energy and reducing wear and tear on the refrigerator's components.
  • Prevention of Freezing and Overheating: Proper regulation helps prevent the refrigerator's contents from freezing while ensuring that the temperature does not rise to levels that would compromise food safety and quality.

The Critical Role of the Refrigerator Compressor

A functioning compressor is important not only for the refrigerator's performance but also for its efficiency and the longevity of the appliance. It serves as the primary driver in the refrigeration cycle, directly influencing the appliance's ability to maintain the required temperatures for safe and effective food storage.


The efficiency of your refrigerator heavily depends on the condition and operation of the compressor. Here's how the compressor affects the appliance's efficiency:

  • Reduction in Energy Consumption: An efficient compressor uses less energy to maintain the desired temperatures, which can lower electricity bills.
  • Minimization of Wear and Tear: Efficient compressors cycle on and off less frequently, which reduces wear and tear on the refrigerator's mechanical parts and extends the appliance's operational life.
  • Optimization of Cooling Cycle: Proper compressor function ensures that the cooling cycle is as short and effective as possible, further enhancing energy efficiency.

Food Preservation

The compressor's role in maintaining optimal temperatures is vital for prolonging the freshness and shelf life of stored food:

  • Consistent Cooling: By efficiently cycling refrigerant, the compressor maintains consistent temperatures that are crucial for food safety.
  • Reduction of Spoilage: Stable temperatures reduce the risk of food spoilage and bacterial growth, ensuring that food remains safe to eat for longer periods.
  • Adaptability to Load Changes: The compressor can adjust its output to compensate for the opening and closing of the refrigerator door or changes in the amount of stored food, which helps maintain a stable internal environment.


A well-maintained compressor contributes to the overall durability of the refrigerator:

  • Extended Appliance Life: Regular maintenance and proper use can extend the life of the compressor and, by extension, the refrigerator itself.
  • Prevention of System Failures: Keeping the compressor in good working order helps prevent other mechanical failures within the cooling system.
  • Cost Savings on Repairs: Proper compressor function can reduce the frequency and severity of needed repairs, saving money on service calls and parts over the lifespan of the refrigerator.

Recognizing Signs of Compressor Failure

Being vigilant for signs of compressor trouble helps preempt unexpected breakdowns and maintains your refrigerator's effectiveness. Early detection can address issues before they escalate, potentially saving on costly repairs and extending the appliance's lifespan.

Unusual Noises

Unusual noises originating from your refrigerator can be a clear warning sign of compressor issues. Here are some specific sounds to listen for:

  • Loud Rumbling or Banging: These sounds may indicate mechanical failures within the compressor or that the compressor is struggling to start.
  • Constant Clicking: Frequent clicking sounds can be a sign that the compressor is repeatedly trying and failing to start, which is often related to a malfunctioning or damaged start relay.
  • Buzzing or Humming: These noises might suggest issues with the compressor motor or that the compressor is becoming jammed or obstructed.

Failure to Cool

If your refrigerator is not cooling effectively, the compressor may be at fault. Indicators include:

  • Warm Interior: A noticeable increase in the interior temperature of the refrigerator suggests that the compressor is not effectively circulating the refrigerant.
  • Frequent Cycles: If the compressor seems to be running more often than usual without effectively cooling, it may be failing.
  • No Start: The compressor failing to start at all is a clear sign of failure, requiring immediate inspection.


An overheating compressor can quickly lead to serious problems, including complete system failure. Here's what to look out for:

  • Excessive Heat from the Back: If the back of the refrigerator is hotter than usual, it might indicate that the compressor is overworking.
  • Unusual Smells: A burning smell or the scent of overheating electronics can sometimes accompany an overheating compressor.
  • Shutdowns: In some cases, an overheating compressor may cause the refrigerator to shut down completely to prevent damage.

Maintaining Your Refrigerator Compressor

Proper care and maintenance helps keep the compressor running efficiently. By performing regular upkeep tasks, you can enhance the longevity and performance of your refrigerator, ensuring it cools effectively and conserves energy.

Clean the Coils

Regular cleaning of the condenser coils is fundamental for the smooth operation of your refrigerator's compressor. Here are steps to ensure effective coil maintenance:

  • Frequency of Cleaning: Clean the coils at least twice a year, or more often if you have pets that shed hair and dander.
  • Accessing the Coils: Typically located at the back or beneath the refrigerator, the coils can be accessed by removing the base grille or back panel.
  • Proper Cleaning Method: Use a refrigerator coil brush and a vacuum to remove dust, pet hair, and other debris that can obstruct airflow and heat dissipation.

Check for Leaks

Ensuring that the refrigerator doors seal tightly is critical to prevent overworking the compressor. Here's how to maintain optimal seal integrity:

  • Inspect Seals Regularly: Check the door seals for wear and tear or any signs of gaps that might allow air to escape.
  • Clean the Seals: Wipe down the seals with a mild soap solution to keep them free of dirt and grime that could prevent a tight seal.
  • Test Seal Effectiveness: Close the door on a piece of paper; if the paper pulls out easily, the seal may need replacing to ensure efficient operation.

Professional Inspection

Periodic professional inspections catch and address potential issues with your refrigerator's compressor early:

  • Schedule Regular Inspections: Arrange for a professional technician to inspect the compressor and refrigeration system at least once a year.
  • Focus on Preventive Maintenance: The technician can check for issues like refrigerant levels, mechanical wear, and electrical problems.
  • Early Problem Detection: Early detection of potential issues can prevent more significant problems down the line, saving on expensive repairs and extended downtime.

By adhering to these maintenance practices, you can help ensure that your refrigerator operates efficiently and continues to perform well over its expected lifespan.

When to Replace or Repair Your Compressor

Knowing whether to repair or replace the compressor helps manage costs effectively and ensures your food remains safe. This decision can impact your long-term financial planning and the overall functionality of your kitchen.

Age of the Refrigerator

The age of your refrigerator plays a role in deciding whether to repair or replace the compressor. Here are key considerations:

  • Assess Lifespan: Most refrigerators have a lifespan of about 10 to 15 years. If your unit is nearing this age and experiencing frequent issues, it might be time to consider replacement.
  • Consider Repair Costs: For older refrigerators, the cost of repairs might not justify the investment if other system failures are likely to occur soon.
  • Evaluate Efficiency: Newer models are generally more energy-efficient and could save you money in the long run compared to keeping an older, less efficient unit running.


The warranty status of your compressor can heavily influence your decision on whether to repair or replace it:

  • Check Warranty Coverage: Determine if your compressor is still under warranty, as many manufacturers offer a warranty that covers the compressor for a specific period.
  • Understand Warranty Terms: If the compressor is under warranty, you might be able to have it repaired or replaced at a reduced cost or even for free.
  • Utilize Warranty Services: Contact the manufacturer or consult your warranty documentation to initiate a repair claim if applicable.

Cost of Repairs

Comparing the cost of repairs to the price of a new refrigerator is crucial in making an economically sound decision:

  • Calculate Repair Costs: Get an estimate for the compressor repair and any additional potential costs associated with restoring full functionality.
  • Compare to Replacement Cost: If the total cost of repairs approaches or exceeds 50% of the cost of a comparable new refrigerator, replacing the unit might be more economical.
  • Consider Long-term Savings: Factor in potential energy savings and the likelihood of future repairs when deciding between repairing an old unit and investing in a new one.

The refrigerator compressor is a vital component that plays a crucial role in keeping your food fresh and beverages chilled. By understanding its function, recognizing signs of potential failure, and committing to regular maintenance, you can ensure that your refrigerator continues to serve your household efficiently. For expert maintenanceor repair services, Sears Home Services offers the professional support you need to keep your refrigerator, including its compressor, running smoothly. Schedule your service with Sears Home Services today, and enjoy peace of mind knowing your refrigerator is in capable hands.

Schedule your refrigerator repair now!

Backed by years of experience, our technicians possess the skills necessary to fix your refrigerator. And because our techs our local, they can fix it for you fast.

Call (802) 552-4364 or schedule online now.

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Related Glossary

A refrigerator thermostat is a device within a refrigerator that regulates its temperature by turning the cooling system on and off based on the interior temperature compared to the set desired temperature.

A refrigerator evaporator is a key component in the cooling system of a refrigerator or freezer, responsible for absorbing heat from the interior compartment and contributing to the refrigeration cycle that keeps the appliance cold.

A refrigerator auger motor is a component found in many refrigerator ice dispensers, driving the auger that moves ice from the bin to the dispenser chute.

A refrigerator crisper drawer is a specialized compartment within a refrigerator designed to maintain an ideal humidity level for storing fresh produce, helping to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by keeping them crisp and fresh.