Maintain Page 4
Learn what a two stage furnace is and how it works to keep you warm and comfortable in cold weather.
Discover essential tips for maintaining your freestanding ice maker. Learn how to clean, replace filters, and perform basic upkeep to ensure your machine produces high-quality ice and operates efficiently year-round.
Learn how a mini refrigerator works and how to keep it in top shape.
Discover 10 surprising and easy solutions to eliminate gnats from your home for good—#6 will completely change the game!
Learn how a mini-split heat pump system works and how to maintain it.
Discover the top 10 refrigerator and freezer hacks to keep your food safe, save energy, and extend appliance lifespan with easy, actionable tips!
Learn how to remove sediment from a water heater with our step-by-step guide.
Find out how a washing machine works without an agitator.
Learn how an oil-burning furnace works and how to maintain it.
Learn how to clean an LG dryer with our step-by-step guide. Keep your dryer running efficiently with these easy cleaning tips. Sears Home Services.