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Table of Contents

Decorating Your Home Energy-Efficiently

Cooking Efficiently to Save Energy

Smart Thermostat and HVAC Tips for Energy Efficiency

General Energy Conservation Tips for the Holiday Season

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Energy Conservation Tips for Homeowners During the Holiday Season in 2024

3 min readUpdated Mar. 11, 2024Lyle WeischwillHVAC
Image for how to save energy during the holidays.

The holiday season brings joy, celebration, and unfortunately, a spike in energy usage. The extra holiday lights, constant cooking, and heating can lead to higher utility bills. But don't fret, Sears Home Services has got you covered. We have compiled a list of effective measures to help homeowners like you save energy and money during the festive season. So, let's dive in and explore how you can have a greener, more sustainable holiday season.


  • You can create a warm, festive atmosphere in your home for the holidays while being mindful of your energy consumption.
  • Follow our expert tips for cooking efficiently to save energy during the holidays.
  • Operate your heating system smartly during the holidays to conserve on energy and lower your heating bills.

Decorating Your Home Energy-Efficiently

Holiday decorations don't have to be a drain on your energy resources. You can still create a warm, festive atmosphere while being mindful of your energy consumption. Here are some tips to help you save energy and money while decorating your home for the holidays:

Switch to LED lights for your holiday decorations. Not only do they consume less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs, but they also last up to 10 times longer and produce less heat, reducing fire hazards.

Consider setting timers for your outdoor lights to avoid leaving them on all night. Timers can help you minimize energy wastage without compromising on the festive charm.

Choose decorations made from sustainable materials or ones that have energy-saving features. For instance, consider LED-lit ornaments or solar-powered outdoor decorations. These not only reduce energy consumption but also contribute to a more eco-friendly holiday season.

Cooking Efficiently to Save Energy

Did you know that your cooking practices can significantly affect your energy usage during the holidays? Here's how you can save energy in the kitchen:

  • Try to cook multiple dishes at once to maximize oven usage. This will help you make the most of the oven's energy and reduce the overall cooking time.

*For smaller meals, consider using appliances like toaster ovens or countertop convection ovens. They use less energy and heat up faster than traditional ovens.

  • Use glass or ceramic pans for efficient cooking. They distribute heat more evenly, allowing you to lower the oven temperature without compromising the quality of your dishes.

To maximize energy efficiency in your kitchen, schedule professional maintenance for your stove, refrigerator and dishwasher to keep them in top shape

Smart Thermostat and HVAC Tips for Energy Efficiency

Here are some ways you can save energy and cut down on your utility bills during the holidays:

  • Lower the thermostat while cooking or hosting guests. The heat generated from the oven and the presence of guests can naturally warm up your home, making it unnecessary to keep the thermostat at a high temperature.
  • Consider upgrading to a smart thermostat. These devices allow you to program and adjust the temperature of your home remotely, ensuring that energy is not wasted when no one is home.
  • If you're considering a significant investment in energy efficiency, think about upgrading to a high-efficiency HVAC system. These systems consume less energy while delivering the same or better performance compared to standard systems. Schedule a free consultation with a Sears Home Services HVAC Expert to begin your upgrade project.

General Energy Conservation Tips for the Holiday Season

Here are some more general tips for homeowners to save energy during the holiday season:

  • Remember to turn off lights and decorations when not in use. This simple habit can significantly reduce your energy usage.
  • Seal windows and doors to prevent drafts. This will not only help you stay comfortable but also save energy.
  • Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use to eliminate standby power and save energy.

For more energy-saving solutions and information, don't hesitate to reach out to Sears Home Services. Our team of experts can help you make your home more energy-efficient and comfortable.

Schedule your HVAC maintenance now!

HVAC checkups from Sears Home Services help keep your heating and cooling system running at its best. Prevent costly repairs and can make your HVAC system more energy efficient with routine maintenance.

Call (213) 596-2538 or schedule online now.

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